Birds in the dark of the night

Birds in the dark of the night

A different birding experience

Birds in the dark of the night*

You’ve probably experienced birds and nature during the day – but have you experienced birdlife in the dark and at night? The darkness of the night can be both fascinating and terrifying. The moon and stars spark our imagination and curiosity, while unfamiliar sounds create a certain fear and insecurity – what is hiding in the darkness?

Birds in the Dark of Night is a different kind of birding experience, where we get to experience birdlife and nature after dark. Where do birds hide and what do they actually do in the dark and at night?

In the dark, we will use our senses to experience nature and the darkness of night without the use of artificial light. Along the way, we will try to find and “see” some birds with a thermal camera (thermal binoculars/spotter) brought by the guide. In this way, we can get a different insight into bird life and nature that we would not otherwise experience. Some birds use the darkness to rest and sleep. Others, such as owls and some ducks, feed in the darkness of the night. In both spring and fall, a fascinating but unseen event takes place as thousands of nocturnal migratory birds fly between their breeding and wintering grounds.

Birds are the focus of Birds in the Dark of Night, but along the way, we also look for other animals in the dark. Weather permitting, there is also the opportunity to look at the night sky and its stars and planets.

An important part of the tour is to give participants the opportunity to experience and gain a different insight into bird life and the importance of darkness – and hopefully gain an even greater understanding and appreciation of the darkness and silence that is an important part of bird life and nature.

Practical information

*Birds in the Dark of Night is held during the dark hours of the day, i.e. between sunset and sunrise.

The tours are generally conducted without the use of artificial light as we move around. Nor is artificial light used to find and observe the birds, but rather a thermal imaging camera. This makes it possible to “see” and experience the birds’ natural behavior in the dark without the use of artificial light, thereby minimizing disturbances as well. However, thermal images will be displayed to tour participants via a tablet that emits light.

The tour will be as quiet as possible, i.e. we will move quietly and slowly, communicating in a low voice/whisper. All to minimize disturbances and provide the best experience.

For practical and safety reasons, the guide will bring a headlamp/lamp with both red and white light (red light does not interfere with night vision to the same extent as white light).

Feel free to bring a headlamp/flashlight with a red light (e.g. a bicycle taillight).

Birds in the Dark of Night is for anyone who wants a different kind of birdwatching tour that provides an unforgettable and exciting experience of nature.

Dark Sky Park Møn & Nyord
Birds in the Dark of Night birdwatching tours can be offered and arranged in various places, but an obvious place is Møn and Nyord, which has been named the Nordic region’s first International Dark Sky Park and International Dark Sky Community by the International Dark Sky Association (IDA).

Albicilla Explorer | Why Not Birds? is a Dark Sky Møn & Nyord ambassador

fra 600 kr

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